Croghan Chase 4km & 8 km 30th December 2018

The Croghan Chase in Coolgreaney, hosted by Croghan AC brought the curtain down on another year of success for KAC on Sunday 30th December last

. 4 Kilmore athletes lined up for the race, which was either 4k or 8k. The course was testing with one lap being 4k and 2 laps the 8k distance. In the 4k Rory Cassidy was 4th home, the 1st juvenile in a time of 16:44. Meanwhile in the 8k, Fiona Kehoe was the 1st woman home in a time of 30:04. Suzanne Foley produced a new PB, 41:47 followed by Nicky Foley. Great results guys!

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